Monday, January 28, 2008

Information Design - Web Trend map 2008

The Japanese agency IA is back with a vengeance, releasing the 2008 beta version of their -now *very famous* - web trend map.

In their own words: "This time we’ve taken almost 300 of the most influential and successful websites and pinned them down to the greater Tokyo-area train map".

It is definitely as interesting if not richer than the one published in 2007, but I wonder why the list is missing Wikia, Seesmic and Qik - will drop them a note about it.

Order your A0 poster here :)


Deek Deekster said...

enjoying your seesmic / qik videos.. show up on seesmic and talk to us about them!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Stephanie. The Trend Map is awesome, isn't it? I'm a wannabe information architect, too. =P