Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Information Design - NYTE

NYTE (New York Talk Exchange) "illustrates the global exchange of information in real time by visualizing volumes of long distance telephone and IP (Internet Protocol) data flowing between New York and cities around the world".

The work featured consists of three different data interpretations:

Globe encounters visualizes in real time the volumes of Internet data flowing between New York & other cities around the world. The size of the glow on a particular city location corresponds to the relative amount of IP traffic.

Pulse of the planet illustrates the volume of international calls between New York City & 255 countries over the 24 hours in a day. Areas of the world receiving & making fewer phone calls shrink while areas experiencing a greater amount of voice call activity expand.

The world inside NY shows how different neighborhoods reach out to the rest of the world via the AT&T telephone network. The widths of the color bars represent the proportion of world regions in contact with each neighborhood.

The projects (accomplished with the support of the now extinct Yahoo Design Innovation Team) will be exhibited at the MOMA *sigh*, starting the 24th of February until the 12th of May.

The site is well worth a visit (for more details) - it's a brilliant idea.

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